Mormon Lifestyle

Senaste inläggen

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:24

Jesus tells a story about a Pharisee and a publican.

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:22

Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one of them returns to thank him.

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:21

New Testament Stories

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:19

New Testament Stories

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:18

New Testament Stories

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:16

Jesus tells three parables to illustrate how God feels when sinners repent and return to Him.

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:14

Jesus tells the parable of the good Samaritan to a Jewish leader to illustrate how we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Av C - 16 februari 2011 22:11

Jesus heals a boy who has an evil spirit. The disciples ask why they hadn't been able to heal the same boy, and Jesus tells them that sometimes fasting and prayer is necessary to heal.

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